Christ of St. John of the Cross, Salvador Dali, © Culture and Sport Glasgow (Museums)

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Our Purpose

We are followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We have heard His call and we have understood His great commission to go and make disciples of all peoples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us.

We provide:

  • The Bible freely to all Nations, Tribes and Languages.
  • Christian Internet websites and search engines.
  • A communication network for evangelism, mission and church planting.
  • Community development resources.
  • Educational opportunities.
  1. To extend the right hand of fellow-ship and to provide a network of prayer support and assistance to those congregations, ministries, families, individuals, both clergy and lay people, who are being cut off, orphaned and excluded from fellow-ship because of their firm stand on the Word of God and their testimony for Jesus. (Revelation 12:11)
  2. To provide encouragement, support and opportunities for Christian witness, evangelism, co-operative missional activities to the Christian ethnic and cultural groups in our communities and globally.
  3. To be a central coordinating site for ministries and churches pertaining to the work of God’s kingdom on a local and global scale, by....
    • a) Making God’s Word freely available to all people.
    • b) Providing a communication network for those involved in evangelism, missions, church planting, community development and education.
    • c) Working collaboratively with existing ministries to avoid duplication of effort and to enhance overall support missions.
    • d) Facilitating the development of mutually beneficial partnerships.
    • e) Communicating opportunities for short and longer term mission assignments.
The original documents of our organization are in English. Any other translation must be compared with and verified by the English version.
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